Blue Lotus Assembly


Glimpses of What Could Be

What would it feel like if you could, after years of working hard at understanding life, sit under a tree and vow not to get up until you truly grasped…

Phurba Pierces Problem States

Friends have asked me about some of the techniques that keep me intrigued with my Tibetan teachers who share with me their ageless lore of the Dorje Phurba “demon-defeating dagger”.…

Help Build a Temple

Got a few extra dollars looking for something important and valuable to do? An-shu Stephen K. Hayes is working to assist his friend Lama Kunga Dhondup, principal of Sakya Pema…

Sakya Lamas at Miami Valley Meditation 2008

In June 2008, An-shu Stephen and An-shu Rumiko’s friends Lama Pema Wangdak of New York Palden Sakya Centers, and Lama Kunga Dhondup, ritual master of Pema Ts’al School in Pokhara,…

Vajrapani Empowerment with Dagchen Sakya Rinpoche

HH Jigdal Dagchen Sakya Rinpoche of Sakya Monastery in Seattle, Washington, visited the Chamseling Temple of Dalai Lama elder brother Thubten Jigme Norbu and Kunyang Norbu (youngest sister of HH…

Sakya Lamas at Miami Valley Meditation 2004

In June 2004, Lama Pema Wangdak of New York Palden Sakya Centers, and ritual master Lama Kunga Dhondup of Pema Ts’al School in Pokhara, Nepal, presented public programs on spiritual…
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