Blue Lotus Assembly

Avalokiteshvara – Kannon – Chenrezig – Yoga Meditation

Wednesday June 30, 2010 8:30 – 9:30 pm

An-shu and guest Sakya Lama Rigzin Wangdu from Sakya Pema Ts’al Monastic Institute in Pokhara, Nepal, presented a meditation practice in generating awareness of our inherent proclivity towards compassionate intelligent encouraging engagement with the world, through identification with our own inner nature of being a “heroic bright light who hears the sorrows of the world”.

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  1. bästa resmålet i sydostasien 2015

    bästa resmålet i sydostasien 2015 says:

    Hopefully I’d be as awesome as you someday

  2. Jeffrey Bennett

    Jeffrey Bennett says:

    I was told that DORJE PHURBA resides in me. What MEDITATION can I do to best strengthen his power.

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